Los Altos School District 

Inspiring children to learn about and value our natural world through garden-based education.



Monday 2/24  10-Noon

Flyway Trail

Bedwell Bayfront Park

Menlo Park    

Please RSVP by Friday 2/21.

Please mark your calendars for our next volunteer enrichment event!  We will be going on a guided bird walk from 10-Noon along the new Flyway Trail at Bedwell Bayfront Park in Menlo Park on Monday 2/24.  Please RSVP by Friday 2/21 if you plan to attend and indicate if you will be carpooling with us from the Los Altos School District Office at 9:15am or meeting us at the park.


Mondays 3/10, 3/17 & 3/24 

Los Altos School District iLearn Studio

201 Covington Road, Los Altos

Please join us from 9-Noon on Mondays 3/10, 3/17 and 3/24 at the LASD iLearn Studio for training on our spring lessons! New docents and any continuing docents who would like a refresher on our spring lessons are invited to join us.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend!   Bring a friend!

Subscribe to our newsletter "The Pollinator" to keep up with all the latest happenings with the LASD Living Classroom Program!

Who We Are

Living Classroom is a hands-on environmental education program developed in the Los Altos School District that offers engaging standards-based lessons using the native and edible gardens at each school campus. The lessons are taught by a passionate group of educators made up of district staff and trained volunteer docents. 

What We Do

We provide hands-on outdoor lessons that tie into science, math, and social studies curriculum for grades TK-6. Our fun and experiential lessons get students excited about learning, encourage healthy eating habits, and foster a love for nature and environmental stewardship. 

Get Involved!

Interested in training to become a docent or helping care for one of our school gardens?  We welcome you to join our team of dedicated docents and garden caretakers! 

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